At Nikkei Home, we are proactive in our approach to meeting the needs of seniors, adapting as the situation evolves...
Dear Families of Residents at Robert Nimi Nikkei Home, Many weeks have gone by since the restrictions brought on...
Dear Community, Thank you for your kind thoughts and support over the last few weeks. This is a brief update. ...
Dear Families of Nimi Nikkei Home, Our Home is currently in a Prevention Phase to promote infection control for ...
Dear Families of Nimi Nikkei Home, Our Home is currently in a Prevention Phase to promote infection control for ...
Keeping Seniors Active! While the activities at Nikkei Home and New Sakura-so are temporarily closed, our activi...
Letter from Our President Dear Family Members of Residents at Robert Nimi Nikkei Home, The outbreak and sprea...
Important Notices for COVID-19 Prevention at Nimi Nikkei Home The situation with the COVID-19 global pandemic co...
Important Notices for COVID-19 Prevention at Nimi Nikkei Home The situation with the COVID-19 global pandemic co...