COVID-19 and Visiting Nimi Nikkei Home

COVID-19 and Visiting Nimi Nikkei Home

Nimi Nikkei Home is monitoring closely for any sign of the COVID-19 virus and has implemented preventative measures. 

The number one priority at Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society is the health and wellbeing of our seniors, staff, volunteers, and community.

We are vigilantly monitoring COVID-19 developments, and have implemented preventative measures. We ask the public, family and friends to follow these guidelines:

When you visit Nimi Nikkei Home:

  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently
  • Practice careful respiratory etiquette including using a tissue and coughing or sneezing into your sleeve.
  • Visit only your loved one.

Please do not come to visit or enter the building in the following situations:

1. If you are feeling ill – especially if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • A new cough
  • A fever
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing

2. If you work at a place where there has been a confirmed or presumptive case of COVID-19

3. If you have had any direct contact with someone who has a confirmed or presumptive case of COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus is spread from person to person by respiratory droplets from the nose or mouth.  When a person with a cold, flu or COVID-19 coughs, sneeze or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces, or another person breathes in the droplets from the person with COVID-19.  This is why people are asked to maintain a distance of 1 metre from each other.  

4. Any persons who have travelled outside of Canada, including to the United States, are asked to stay away for 14 days upon return.

You can best protect yourself and others by avoiding contacts with surfaces, avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, mouth, and using hand sanitization including washing your hands with soap or using an alcohol-based sanitizer. Reduce human to human contact such as shaking hands. 

COVID-19 Awareness Resources

The government of Canada has made COVID-19 awareness resources available. Please click here to view these resources.

If you have any questions please contact 604-777-5000 and ask to speak to Cathy Makihara, Executive Director.
