Seniors at Iki Iki Light celebrate Hina Matsuri (Girls’ Day)

Iki Iki Light is an activity and social program offered by Nikkei Seniors Society for those living with dementia. During the program on February 26, seniors spent some time decorating paper hina dolls in honor of Hina Matsuri — a Japanese early-spring tradition of families wishing for the health and happiness of young girls in Japan. On the 2nd floor at Nimi Nikkei Home, the hina dolls are out on display in honour of this festival. Hina Matsuri is celebrated on March 3 of each year.

For the participants of Iki Iki Light, it is a wonderful way to connect to a traditional festival. The figures that are being decorated are the emperor and empress dolls which are placed at the top tiers, with other court members placed on the lower tiers. For all the volunteers who helped, we thank you very much for making this day a special one at Iki Iki Light.
Iki Iki Light is a recurring Wednesday program running from 10 am to 2 pm at our Kenko Wellness Lounge. It offers a variety of activities and lunch for seniors in a gentle and encouraging environment. Registration is required for this program – please 連絡先 for more information.
We thank all the volunteers and donors who have made this program possible.