Living, laughing, and aging gracefully

Independence, respect, dignity, privacy, choice—five cornerstones of adulthood that are too often forgotten when the time comes to face the changes in lifestyle that are a natural part of aging. While many seniors maintain a degree of independence well into their later years, there comes a time when some level of support is needed—with the need generally increasing over time.

The Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society is a non-profit charitable organization, dedicated to providing supportive housing for Japanese seniors. The Society operates two residential facilities: Nikkei Home, a Supportive Housing and Assisted Living residence, and New Sakura-so, a housing complex for independent seniors aged 55 and over.

Our proud history

当協会は、1975年9月に日系カナダ人とさくら荘の住宅を設立するための日系カナダ人協会として始まり、2000年に介護施設建設のために設立されたBC州日系カナダ人ヘルスケア協会と合併しました。 この2つの組織の合併により、新組織は日系シニアズヘルスケア住宅協会(以下、日系シニアズ )と改名されました。

この組織は、選挙で選ばれた理事会によって運営される非営利の慈善団体です。 日系シニアズでは「健康で長生き」をビジョンに掲げ、高齢者のケアに力を注いでいます。

Key Milestones
  • 1988

    • 日系プレイス事業所管理委員会に参加しています。
  • 1998

    • 日系カナダ人コミュニティで、サポート付き住宅に住むシニアの実態調査を実施。
    • ホームズBCと提携し、34戸のシニア向け自立型アパート「新さくら荘」を建築しました。
  • 2001

    • 支援住宅建設プロジェクトに条件付きで支援を受けました。
  • 2002

    • フレーザーヘルス保健局およびホームズBCと共同で、59室の高齢者向け介護付き住宅「日系ホーム」を開設。
  • 2010

    • 日系カナダ人高齢者コミュニティでのニーズ調査。 主な調査結果-教育の充実、介護者支援プログラム、高齢者の自立支援プログラム。
  • 2013

    • 高齢者向け認知症対応型デイプログラムの開発と3拠点追加支援のためのプロジェクト資金提供。
  • 2015

    • 寄贈を受け、5部屋に介護リフト用天井レールを増設した。
  • 2016

    • 日系ホームを「ロバート新見日系ホーム」に改称。
  • 2018

    • ロバート新見日系ホームに強化型ユニット5室を開設。
    • 施設内プログラム及アウトリーチプログラムのための「健康ウェルネス・ラウンジ」を開設。
    • 新さくら荘の集会所:岩崎ルームを改修。
    • 使用用途限定寄付基金を設立。
  • 2019

    • 日系プレイス・チャリティゴルフトーナメントは、7年以上にわたり、日系シニアズを支援するために35万ドル以上の資金を集めてきました。



• 安心(あんしん)して暮らせること
• 幸せを感じ、大切にされ、尊重されていると
• 支援されている、社会とつながっていると感
• 人生をできるだけ楽しむこと
• 安心して暮らせる、自宅で暮らせること


Cathy Makihara has served the seniors of the Japanese Canadian community for 30 years. Since attending Simon Fraser University, she has dedicated her work to serving her community. Cathy has played an instrumental role in the development of Nikkei Place, a multipurpose complex in Burnaby, BC. As the former Executive Director of the Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society, she helped to create one of the first publicly funded assisted living complex in 2002 and opened the Japanese Canadian community’s independent seniors housing; and operated programs and housing for seniors in need. In 2017, the Society was a driving force to develop Lively-Lively, a dementia-friendly day program that has expanded to several locations. Her introduction to the Japanese Canadian community began working as a field worker for the Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement where she developed a passion for working on community issues and needs.



山本 博

日本からバンクーバーに来て、UBCでの学生生活を体験し、この美しい都市に留まることを決意。卒業後、大手会計事務所に就職し、CPA, CAの資格を取得。1993年、2人のパートナーと共にSRTK Tam Kurozumiを設立し、現在も個人・法人向けにサービスを提供している。また、日本女性経営者協会の役員として、設立当初から活動している。

黒住 由紀


Marcia Carr, RN, BN, MS, GNC(C), NCA

30年以上の経験を持つ移民弁護士。Davis LLPバンクーバーオフィス勤務。日本語と英語を話し、東京、トロント、バンクーバーでの勤務経験がある。これまで50カ国以上のクライアントの代理人をしてきました。カナダ弁護士協会(CBA)移民部門の元ナショナルエグゼクティブメンバーであり、CBAブリティッシュ・コロンビア移民部門の元会長でもあります。また、日系プレース財団の理事も務めています。

ブライアン 辻


田中朝絵, MSc, MD, CCFP

Yuji has an established practice in Canadian immigration law as well as experience in the areas of corporate and commercial, employment, real estate, and wills and estates.

Yuji received his law degree from the University of Victoria in 2011. Following law school, he completed a Master of Laws degree in International Economic and Business Law at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan. As a graduate law student, Yuji did an internship at the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Netherlands.

Fluent in Japanese, Yuji taught English in Japan on the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme. He studied Modern Japanese Literature and Film at the University of Victoria, earning a Master of Arts degree, and has an undergraduate degree in Asian Studies from the University of British Columbia.

Yuji is active in the local Japanese community, having served on the board of directors of the Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizen’s Association, the Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce, and Kiyukai Vancouver Japanese Business Association.


Yuji Matson

Ruth was educated at UBC and the University of Toronto where she received her Master of Social Work degree. She worked in the health care field for over 30 years as a social worker in manaRuth Coles received her BA at UBC and MSW at the University of Toronto. She worked in the as the Leader of Diversity Services for Providence Health Care. She has been a founder and builder of Nikkei Seniors Health Care & Housing Society since the early 1980’s. She served as Vice President for many years and as President from 2010 to 2022. She continues to serve as Past President and a Director on the Board. She has worked on the building of New Sakura-so and Robert Nimi Nikkei Home, supports the Outreach activities and is an advocate for culturally sensitive care for Japanese Canadian seniors. In November, 2022 she was the recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays for her contribution to “ enhancing the welfare for the Japanese Canadian community in Canada and promoting friendly relations between Japan and Canada”gement and leadership roles in Diversity Services. She advocates for caring and compassionate care, barrier free services and community building. Ruth has been active with the NSHCHS for over 35 years as Vice President and President since 2010.

Ruth Midori Coles, (nee Nakatani) BA, MSW, Order of the Rising Sun Gold and Silver Rays (Japan)

After “retiring” from a marketing position with Yokohama Tire over 32 years ago to raise 3 sons, Patty had been active in volunteer activities with school PAC groups and helping her husband coach and manage 3 soccer teams. She has run their construction company office from home since 1994.

Her prior involvement with 
the Nikkei Seniors Health Care Society has happened by osmosis throughout the years listening to her parents speak about all of the hurdles facing Nikkei seniors to receive the care they needed in their later years. Patty is the eldest daughter of Robert and Jane Nimi.

As her parents and maternal grandmother aged, she became more involved in the management of their care and needs, and, currently, with her mother needing more assistance, decided to get involved with the Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society. She hopes to be of some assistance to the experienced directors, many of whom she has known since the inception of the Japanese Health Care Society in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Patty Ruegamer BA History