Update to Families & Friends


Update to Families & Friends

Dear Families and Friends,

I hope you are enjoying the first few days of June! Summer will be here in no time, and we are all looking forward to spending more time outdoors with our loved ones. We are beginning to see some easing of restrictions in some areas and a downward trend in case counts, and this is wonderful and welcomed news. We are hopeful that we are nearing the end of the third wave of the pandemic and that we will continue to head in the right direction.

Changes to Hair Salon – We are excited to bring back our Hair Salon Specialist. Please contact the Team Leader or Yoko Watase for any inquiries. We are accepting bookings for June 14th. 

Changes to Visitation Coordinator – Matsuo has shifted his focus back to Outreach, rebooting our programs with a more virtual approach to deliver on a vision to bring outreach into Seniors’ homes. As a result, Shinobu Mekada has graciously agreed to take over the visitation bookings and duties. Shinobu works from Wednesday to Friday, while Matsuo works from Saturday to Tuesday. Shinobu Mekada is reached at 604-777-5000 ext. 2007 or [email protected].

Changes to pre-screening – For essential/social outings, families and friends are no longer required to prescreen in advance or at the Nikkei entrance. However, in-suite social and essential visits will still require pre-screening 24-48 hours in advance and screening at the Nikkei entrance. Visitors are still asked to book their visits in advance to prevent schedule conflicts.

Health Care Access Program – COVID-19 has increased the need for health care assistants in long-term care and assisted living settings across the province. The Health Career Access Program provides a path for applicants with no health care experience to get hired and receive paid employer-sponsored health care assistant training as part of their employment. Nikkei Home has one Health Care Support Worker named Jasmin Wong. You might see her around Nikkei Home, and we are pleased to welcome her to her team. 

Fraser Health Authority Covid 19 Assessment – The last inspection was on May 20th, 2021. They Fraser Health Authority Covid 19 Assessment – The last inspection was on May 20th, 2021. They are identifying that we are “low risk” in the report. They are asking for more active screening from our team when visitors are coming into Nikkei Home. 

Inspire Action Campaign – We are into our last month, funding-raising for “Inspire Action,” recognizing the Staff and Volunteers that work tirelessly every day to bring joy to our residents/families. Our fundraising goal is 100k for our new spa tub, improving technology and getting back our outreach programming virtually and in person. Please click on the link below for more information.

We also wanted to remind you that the current public health order on visitation has not yet changed for LTC/AL homes such as ours. I have attached the link to the Fraser Health site for your reference.


With the recent changes, we are looking forward to working together with everyone. Thank you for all the families’ well wishes and continued support.

Thank you for your attention,

Jay Haraga, Executive Director


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