Thank you for your responses to the JC Survivors Health & Wellness Fund!


Thank you for your responses to the JC Survivors Health & Wellness Fund!

Thank you for your responses to the Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund. Our deadline closed on October 31, 2021.

We thank you for submitting over 1,800 individual applications, which paint a clear picture of health and wellness needs for our survivors whose livelihoods were in coastal BC before government policies forced the uprooting displacement and destruction of a community. We received a surge in demand from individuals who have spoken out about their urgent health needs.   

In addition, we thank the many groups and organizations who have thoughtfully developed quality submissions which directly impact seniors health and wellness in regions across the country.  

With the limited allocation of $1.7M in grants, applications are now under review by the Selection Committee.

Recommendations will be presented to the Steering Committee for final review.

We thank the entire community for joining the conversation about health and wellness for our seniors. You have given us your feedback and it will inform BC Redress, where the NAJC is currently in talks with the BC Government for an expanded Seniors Health and Wellness Fund. You have also responded by saying you want to be contacted about the fund as it moves into another phase. We will contact you because you are important.  

Thank you community.


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