Akemashite Omedeto, Happy New Year!


Akemashite Omedeto, Happy New Year!

We wish all a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year. 

As we look forward to 2020 with anticipation as to what the year might bring, let us be grateful for all benefits we have in this country—peace, prosperity and much support for those in need, including support for our seniors. While much exists to support us, there is always gaps in what we provide, so 2020 will be a year of identifying what those gaps may be and how we might meet those needs.

Looking back on 2019, the Nikkei Seniors Health Care & Housing Society has continued to have much support from our community. We have been blessed by the generosity of our donors who have continued to support us.  With the donations and our fundraising efforts through the Golf Tournament, the Society has been able to continue our Outreach Activities and increase some of the programs that is offered. 

Community volunteers continue to amaze us with their dedication to the programs for our seniors. We are grateful for their commitment of time, knowledge and compassion for the needs of seniors. 

As always, our Administration and Staff continue to provide a high level of care to our residents and those attending our outreach programs. They have maintained this level of care despite the increase in the workload that they have faced. We thank them for providing this care with such a positive attitude and their understanding as solutions were sought out.

We look forward to 2020 with a great deal of anticipation. It again promises to bring a great deal of work but also many rewards as we continue to care for our seniors. We know that the community will continue to support our goals and thank all of you. Have a Happy New Year.

At the beginning of the year we set out our goals, and 2020 is no different. Here’s some of what we are planning:

  • Opening a few more in-house activities for the community to enjoy as well.  Open Doors is the name of the initiative.
  • Embarking on a life reminisce project with university/college students and seniors in the community.
  • Save Friday, May 29, 2020 – it’s the Nikkei Place Charity Golf to benefit the dementia friendly programs.
  • Kenko Talks 2020 calendar will be publicized
  • Say Yes to Volunteering – a new initiative for 2020. As the aging population grows so do the ways you can volunteer. Find out how people are growing as a volunteer!
  • There are a few other projects in the works – details to be announced – but we believe seniors and their families will welcome them. 

There will be changes in personnel. Our long time Activity and Volunteer Coordinator – Yuko is leaving and we wish her all the best. She has been so good and kind to the seniors and we will treasure that goodness for years to come.  


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