Dear Residents, Families and Friends,
As we have entered the 4th wave with new variants, and the summer is coming to an end. Here are some updates that are happening at Robert Nimi Nikkei Home:
1) Communal Dining experience, we are removing the signs, no cohorts, and no limits to sitting. However, we still need to have the first and second seating to allow for space.
2) Food Committee will resume starting Sept 16th, please sign up if you’re interested in participating. Our Dietitian Suzanne Quiring, Megan Matsuda from Hi Genki and myself will be there.
3) Starting Oct 12th, as per the Provincial Health Order and Fraser Health Authority, all staff will have to be fully vaccinated in order to work at Robert Nimi Nikkei Home. We are working closely with all staff, contractors, personal service providers and volunteers to ensure that they have proof of vaccination. Clarification to unvaccinated or partial vaccinated visitors are permitted to visit and must wear a medical mask throughout their visit.
4) September will be Spa room renovation month. From our Inspire Action Fundraising campaign, we were able raise enough money to renovation the Spa room and replace the Arjo Parker Series Spa tub. Also, new tile and heated floors. All scheduled spa bathing appointments will be re-directed to the individual suites during this time. We expect to have the complete room renovation and new spa tub in place the the 1st or 2nd week of October.
5) Additionally, East side hallway Heat Pumps for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors were installed. In anticipation for many more heat waves and air quality advisories in the future, Robert Nimi Nikkei Home has installed commercial grade wall mounted heat pumps to support air conditioning, heating, and cooling of air to mitigate against risk of dehydration, hospitalization, or even worse situations.
6) Our Iki Iki and Kui Do Raku programs started in August, to help promote health and wellness to residents. From chat to art table, Exercise, Be Fit etc.
7) Vent cleaning for the dryer units is happening on Sept 20th, 3rd/4th floor from 9-12pm and 1st/2nd floor from 12-3pm. We will have the contractor keep their distance and will continue to follow our health and safety protocols.
In what’s been a difficult and busy summer 2021, our Nikkei team has done a great job in supporting the residents and families through this pandemic. Second to none!
Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Jay Haraga, Executive Director