Thank you to all donors who answered the “Tech Tub Reboot” call for action.
You inspire us and we thank you very much for assisting our organization to help seniors. “Inspire Action” raised over $200,000, exceeding our $100,000 goal. Yes, you helped exceed the goal!
Your donation is at work now and will be put to work for our 2022 programs.

- TUB – The Arjo Parker Series tub is now on order and expected to arrive in October. The renovation in the spa room begins September. Once it is completed, the residents will enjoy the experience of a warm soak while the staff can feel assured with all the safety features.
- TECH – Nikkei Seniors is putting the ‘tech project’ to test. We recently upgraded our Internet WIFI connections; and purchased eight Echo devices for the residents’suites and to-go pocket WIFI-hot spots as needed. The Outreach Coordinator is now running programs – brain exercise, physical exercise, eating and chatting together, creating a link for a doctor to call in, and initiating a new kind of in-suite family visit. Once tested and the kinks resolved, we will offer more devices to residents. The long term goal is to start making this available to the seniors living at home. Our goal is to support “Better at Home.”
- REBOOT – Iki Iki/Lively Lively (dementia friendly) and Kui Do Raku (Eat, Chat, Relax) have not started onsite (due to health restrictions) but they are in the rebooted and testing phase for an immediate start as soon as we get the ‘ok’ from the Fraser Health Authority. Part-time staff have been hired in the development, implementation, and sustainability of the reboot. These staff take the place of the volunteers who have not been permitted to work due to COVID restrictions. Volunteers have been a vital part of our programs and, as restrictions lift, our hope is for their return. In the meantime, the coordinators are maintaining contact with volunteers and seniors. This re-opening is what we have all been waiting for. For the seniors, new activities in familiar surroundings. “Let’s Go!” is our motto.
For the 2022 fiscal year, the planned outreach programs will happen as a result of your donation. Some of the funded activities are: dementia-friendly full-day programs; socialization programs; physical and brain exercise; tech connections for those who are unable to participate in person; plus film and documentary production and volunteer training and orientation.
Thank you all: you have been an inspiration. Kansha shimasu.