It is with grateful hearts that we salute “Volunteers” during Volunteer Week and, indeed, throughout the year.

At Nikkei Seniors we cannot imagine our services and programs without volunteers. Volunteers demonstrate that the community cares about our seniors and the programs and services we provide. Our volunteers help to lighten the load of staff, and provide assurance that we are not alone in our mission to care for the older members of our community.

Volunteers make a difference to the lives of our seniors. By sharing their talents, time, and compassion, they provide a vital link with the community, a feeling of still being involved. Volunteers bring laughter, stories, a touch and love to enrich the lives of our seniors.
Volunteering is the “icing “on the cake and makes a world of difference to all of us, and we are appreciative of all their contributions.
It is said that volunteering is a two-way street, that volunteers receive as much from their contributions as they give. It benefits them by contributing to their health and well-being and provides a purpose in life. As Winston Churchill is quoted as saying “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. Nevertheless, we at Nikkei Seniors appreciate their commitment and all that they give.
From all of us at Nikkei Seniors, thank you!