Family Name:*
First Name:*
What is your preferred Honorific:* Mr. Mrs. Ms. Other
Home Phone Number:*
What is your current address:*
House/Apartment Number
Postal Code
Cell Phone Number:
What is your date of birth?*
Employer Name:*
Employer Address:*
Employer Phone Number:*
What is your primary language?* br> English Japanese
If other, enter language name here:
What is your status in Canada?* br> Citizen Permanent Resident Refugee Claimant Sponsored Immigrant
If you are a permanent resident, please specify the date you became a Permanent Resident
Name of a Familial/Close Contact:*
Relationship to Applicant:*
Contact Phone number:*
Contact Email:*
Please list two people and their phone numbers for references (not family members)*
Full Name
Phone Number
Reference 1
Reference 2
Last Name:*
What is your relationship to the applicant?*
Do you need a wheelchair accessible apartment?* br> Yes No
Do you prepare your own meals?* br> Yes No
Do you receive home support services?* br> Yes No
If you receive home support services, how many day a week does your home support worker come?
Name of current Landlord or Building Manager:*
How long have you lived at your current address:*
Current Landlord or Building Manager's Phone Number:*
Did your landlord give you a Notice to end Residential Tenancy?* Yes No
If yes, explain why you received the notice, and if no, explain why you want to move
Are you presently living in subsidized housing?* Yes No
Have you ever lived in subsidized housing?* Yes No
If yes, what is the address of the subsidized housing?*
And what is the name of the property?*
How long have you lived in subsidized housing?*
Are you living with family/friends?* br> Yes No
Describe your current housing*
Do you?* Rent Share Expenses Own Have free accommodation Subsidized Housing
Does your rent include?* Heat: Yes No Electricity: Yes No
How much is your current monthly rent?*
How much is your average monthly hydro and heat?*
Total (Rent + Utilities):*
Do you own a vehicle?* Yes No
Other comments about your present housing and neighborhood
Please describe your interests, volunteer activities, etc.
How much monthly income do you receive from the following sources*
Employment Income: $
GIS Guaranteed Income Supplement: $
OAS Old Age Security Pension: $
DVA Disabled Veterans Allowance: $
CPP Canada Pension Plan: $
Employment Insurance: $
Disability Benefits: $
Other (please specify):
Total Gross Monthly Income: $
List the value of all the assets held by you and your co-applicant in the following categories*
Stocks/Bonds/Term Deposits: $ br>
Bank balances/Cash: $ br>
Real Estate Owned: $ br>
For other assets do not include personal belongings like car, furniture, or jewelry. Also, do not include assets that have the potential to ear now or in the future, such as equity pension plan RRSPS.
Other Assets (describe) br>
Total Value of all assets: $