Tribute to Nurses


Tribute to Nurses

The week to commemorate nurses in Canada is May 10-16, 2021 for National Nursing Week. A week does not seem long enough to express gratitude to a group of professionals who keep our residents safe and healthy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Nurses are just one group of dedicated and caring people at Robert Nimi Nikkei Home who keep our residents safe and healthy while manifesting the values of the Society—Respect, Dignity, Choice, Independence, and Privacy.

This past year has been a challenging one for everyone but most particularly for those working in health care.  The pandemic has resulted in ongoing changes to government health orders, which has necessitated changes in shifts and routines, and our staff having to work hours longer than their usual long hours. They have also had to provide additional emotional support for our residents during the period when they were socially isolated and family contact was restricted. All this was done while dealing with their own family responsibilities, and while learning about a new and frightening disease that can cause devastating effects. 

Yes, health care staff, nurses being at the forefront, have met the onslaught of challenges and continue to do so as the world battles to contain COVID.

It should not take a pandemic to draw attention to these professionals who make a difference to our daily wellbeing.  We cannot say “thank you” loudly enough or often enough! At the Robert Nimi Home, they keep our residents safe and healthy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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