Social Visits | Summer Heat | Upcoming Initiatives
Dear Friends of Nimi Nikkei Home Residents:
Thank you to you all for working with us at Nimi Nikkei Home. While the Medical Health Order is still in place, there have been some changes. Our Home continues to operate in a Prevention Phase to promote infection control for COVID-19. All the restrictions from past updates are still in effect. Thank you very much for your ongoing and incredible support.
What’s New?
SOCIAL VISITS – Residents are permitted to have one designated person assigned for a social visit. All visits are scheduled at Kenko Wellness Lounge (KWL) Section B for 20 minutes; the Activity Team is taking the lead in this area. We ask that you please do not bring in a snack for sharing during a visit.
Other types of visits:
- A “One-off Exemption Social Visit” is for a visitor who has come from out-of-town. These are organized by request, and the Manager of Resident Services will consult with Yoko (Assisted Living and Outreach Program Leader) and Tara (TL Coordinator).
- “Essential Visit” and “Essential Visit (actively dying)” are health care related visits and we ask that you please contact Tara.
- Balcony Visits and Zoom Visits are continuing to be scheduled.
There are rules in place for all social visits. Visitors are screened by phone 24 hours before the visit, and upon arrival for the visit.
EXTREME HEAT – It’s summer, and it’s getting hot! Please ask your loved one to drink water to cool off, and remind residents as often as you can. The Activity Rooms have air conditioning – a great place for residents to cool off. There is a limit of 3 in a room unless otherwise indicated. Activities may be running, at which time the room is closed.
The Hi Genki patio awnings also make a comfortable spot for seniors to get a bit of shade. Residents are encouraged to take a walk to the patio.
ESCORTED WALKS – The Activity Team is beginning a program of outdoor escorted walks. It is partly for exercise but also to educate residents on the safety precautions for COVID-19. These escorted walks will be by registration and limited to 3 people. Some walks will include a short shopping escort to Suzuya next door. We will not be going to any crowded places; the outdoor walk is around the Nimi Nikkei Home vicinity.
INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS – We are making instructional videos so that family members can use them to do an activity with their loved ones. It’s also a way to have an Outreach Program through Zoom. This is something new for us, and we anticipate a few bumps along the way. We thank you for your understanding. We will advise once these videos become available.
Please note:
SCREENING – Visitor(s), mover(s), FHA visitor, and any person who is not staff of NNM or Hi Genki, will be screened. This is important to know for the Social Visit, Essential Visit, Essential Visit (actively dying). Questions include personal information so that BCCDC may have information for contract tracing.
We thank you for your cooperation, understanding and for all your support.
Kind regards,
Gina Hall, Manager of Resident Services
Cathy Makihara, Executive Director