Our Home continues to operate in a Prevention Phase to promote infection control for COVID-19. All the restrictions from past updates are still in effect. Thank you very much for your ongoing and incredible support.
As we settle in to our ‘new normal’, we will continue following the COVID-19 requirements, and as always deliver ‘person-centred care’. We ask for your guidance and input – it is invaluable as we navigate these times.
New updates
Getting to this new normal has been a real teamwork process. Each department has been so busy doing their work, adapting to new schedules and responding to the changing condition of residents through the pandemic.
- New Sakura-so – as everyone moves to a new normal, we are hoping that some of the activities that were a part of New Sakura-so life before the pandemic can begin again. These will be small group activities observing all the requirements of the City of Burnaby and Worksafe BC. We are aiming for something next month.
- The days are getting longer and warmer, and we are looking at outdoor shading on the Hi Genki side.
- To encourage small group activities while maintaining social distancing, we have ordered standing acrylic screens to be used in front of tables so that a 3 person activity can take place with an instructor. There is still much to consider as we adjust our person-centred care approach.
- The Activities team is working with a taiko groups for a concert on Father’s Day (weather permitting).
- Delivery time changes: In preparation for our new normal of activities – small groups, and limited dining room meals (coming soon) — we need to reduce the hours for deliveries from families and loved ones. Starting Monday, June 15, 2020, our new hours are:
- Monday – Friday (9:30-noon, 1:30-3:00)
- Sunday (11:00 to 3:00)
- No deliveries please on Saturdays and outside these hours.
- It may not be possible for staff to answer the door for deliveries before and after posted times/days.
We will continue to keep you updated in the following weeks as new changes come forth.
Staying connected with residents
Virtual Meetings are going very well — by mid-week it is full. If you are interested please contact [email protected]. Meetings are Wednesdays and Saturdays 1:30-3:30. We are looking for ways to expand this.
Arranging a balcony visit – contact the Activities Team by email and we will work with you on a workable time for all.
We thank you for your cooperation, understanding and for all of your support including all the goodies and kind words. All of us here hope that you are well.
Kind regards,
Cathy Makihara
Executive Director (604-777-5000 ext 2003)