This comprehensive toolkit can help any community group, organization or individuals launch their own version of our Iki Iki (Lively, Lively!) dementia-friendly social day program.
Iki Iki Lively Lively! is a pioneer program for seniors living with dementia and that later expanded to seniors requiring easier-paced activities. One of its unique features is the opportunity for other seniors and volunteers to take lead roles in program delivery. Its core value is the Japanese culture of omotenashi – hospitality to our guests and in the care for seniors.
This toolkit can help community groups, organizations or individuals launch their version of the dementia-friendly social day program. It can help create a responsive and enabling program that helps participants remain socially connected and engaged for as long as possible.
This toolkit can also be useful in transforming existing programs into dementia-friendly programs. Available in 3 languages — English, Japanese, and French.
The toolkit was made possible through funding from the New Horizons Social Isolation Grant. In addition, seed funding to develop Iki Iki Lively Lively! was provided by the Vancouver Foundation. This highly successful program resulted in over 100 seniors being served through three pilot programs in Vancouver, Steveston and Burnaby.
Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society, Tonari Gumi (Japanese Community Volunteers Association), and Steveston Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre sincerely thank the participants, families, volunteers, staff, researchers, donors and funders for their support in helping to create a program that will be a legacy for the Japanese Canadian community and beyond.