Dear Residents and Families of Robert Nimi Nikkei Home,
As 2023 begins, we want to say Happy Lunar New Year (year of the Rabbit). We wish you all health and happiness in 2023. As the cold weather continues, we have several changes as the easing of restrictions continues to be advised by Fraser Health Authority.
Here are a few of the easing of changes.
- Meeting rooms and occupancy limits – no limitations and are back to normal pre-covid designated occupancy limits on our dining room, activity rooms, Kenko Wellness Lounge, Elevators, Office spaces, suites etc.
- KWL Entrance Covid testing area – There will be no designated testing area in the building. Please use your discretion and the comfort of your privacy to self-administer.
- Washrooms located in the hallway 1st-floor dining area – We will unlock and use these washrooms for residents and staff. If you require assistance, please speak with our care team.
- Dining Room Space – New Sakura-so tenants will return to our dining space for dinners. There will be designated areas and tables distanced from Nikkei Home Residents. All tenants are required to follow the restrictions of the AL/LTC orders.
Daily Enhanced Cleaning – Starting Jan 1st, 2023, we no longer have enhanced cleaners daily. Only under the outbreak or enhanced monitoring will this position be in place for a short period of time.
Other information about Nimi Nikkei Home:
- Resident Food Council meeting – on Jan 17th, we had a sample tasting of the spring foods coming soon. The next meeting will be in April, focusing on western and Japanese dessert tastings.
- NEW Activities – Resident Lunar New Year event on Feb 3rd, Monthly Birthday Parties. Please speak with any of the Activities team for more information.
- Activity Team Office & Extension Change – The activity team office has moved to the Kenko Wellness Lounge, and the new extension for them is Ext. 2007. The old activity office (Ext. 2109) is now spare and is temporarily not in use.
We continue to thank all families and residents for their support and will provide updates monthly or as needed throughout the year. Also, a special thank you to Matsuo Story, all the volunteers, and family members participating in the Resident Christmas Party. We had a great time with great food and conversation throughout the event.
Sincerely yours,
Jay Haraga and the Leadership Team