Week of November 9, 2020
[Updated: November 30]
Dear Families of Nimi Nikkei Home:
Thank you for looking after yourselves so well and for your ongoing support of all of us at Nimi Nikkei Home. Please help me in welcoming Jay Haraga, Executive Director. He started work on Monday, November 2.
As you probably heard, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Minister Adrian Dix announced a new order effective at 10:00 PM November 7, 2020. These changes will remain in effect until December 7, 2020, 12 pm. We have reviewed what general information is available. To maintain safety of the residents and staff the following changes are put in place effective immediately.
- All GROUP social activities are put on hold until further notice. We are awaiting more direction on this.
- All on-site social visits are on hold. This includes balcony and family social visits.
- Residents are not to visit families’ houses for dinners or gatherings.
- Residents ARE allowed to leave Nimi Nikkei Home for ESSENTIAL appointments only (Doctors visits). Please see the attachment for the updated policies regarding this.
- Off site social visits and outings are on hold.
- Essential visits are approved on a case by case basis. Please contact Tara.
- Under the new order, we are banned from visiting each other’s private homes for two weeks. The order applies to social gatherings of “any size” with people other than one’s immediate household. – This means we will need to put a hold on all social visits. If you have a social visit booked this week, we are currently calling you and your loved one to cancel. We will happily re-book once this new order is lifted or we get new direction from Fraser Health Matsuo will be booking ZOOM Visits – email him at [email protected]
- Indoor group physical activities have been banned until they have an updated safety plan – This means activities will be temporarily put on hold. The Activity Team is re-launching the individual exercise and activities starting Tuesday, November 10, and will continue until we receive futher direction from Fraser Health, we will re-adjust.
- Residents of Nimi Nikkei Home will be receiving a summary this today.
The following is the originally planned update that was to be sent to you. These remain in effect:
- NEW Information about transporting residents for an off-site medical appointment.
The Fraser Health Authority has provided information for families which is being sent to you as an attachment file. There are new guidelines for Assisted Living to assess whether an appointment is essential. We are currently studying these guidelines and will provide you information in the near future.
- NEW Essential Visits require 24 hour pre-screen. A staff member will be contacting the designated visitor for the pre-screen.
- NEW Tablet Request – If your loved one is in isolation, if possible could you please provide during the ‘isolation period’ a dedicated tablet for your family members for virtual Social Visits. The tablet will not leave the room. Our staff can provide support for virtual visits. After use, we will be disinfecting the tablet for 2 days before returning it to you.
- NEW – The Office of the Seniors Advocate has released its report on the impact of visit restriction. See the link for a summary and the report – https://www.seniorsadvocatebc.ca/osa-reports/staying-apart-to-stay-safe-survey/
- Email for ZOOM Social Visits (we apologize there are no family social visits or balcony visits for 2 weeks)
Starting November 2, 2020, Matsuo Story is taking over Social Visits. The email for arranging a social visit is [email protected] (tel: 604-777-5000 ext 2007).
Please join us in a Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 6 pm. An invitation will be sent via email to family and independent residents as we get closer to the date.
Thank you for your attention. We will keep you apprised as we hear more details from the Fraser Health Authority.
Gina Hall, Manager of Resident Services and Cathy Makihara, Jay Haraga, Executive Director