FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Burnaby, BC – June 6, 2024 – Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society is pleased to announce the 17th Annual Charity Classic Tournament, held on May 31st, raised $60,000 from Golfers, Sponsors and Donors. The funds will be for the “Beating the Odds Seniors” outreach programs for the 2025/26 fiscal year. There is more news to come – watch for our updated tally which will include the matching and family donations.
The event took place at the scenic Riverway Golf Course, and it was a remarkable success, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, donors, participants, and volunteers. The funds raised will significantly contribute to our mission of providing vital support and care to seniors in need. “We are thrilled to have surpassed our fundraising goal for this year’s tournament,” said Cathy Makihara, President of Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society. “The overwhelming generosity of our community enables us to expand and enhance our outreach programs and positively impact the lives of seniors in the coming year.” The success of this year’s tournament was possible with the unwavering support of everyone who was involved. We extend our heartfelt gratitude.
For more information about Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society and our programs, please click and visit News – Nikkei Place Golf
Contact: Jay Haraga, Executive Director Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society
イーメール [email protected]
Phone: 604-777-5000 ext. 2003

日系シニアズヘルスケア&住宅協会は、5月31日に開催された第17回チャリティ・クラシック・トーナメントで、ゴルファー、スポンサー、寄付者から6万ドルの寄付金を集めたことを報告します。この寄付金は、2025/26会計年度の 「Beating the Odds Seniors 」アウトリーチプログラムに使用されます。今後も、さらなる続報をお届けする予定です。ご家族からのご寄付や 同額寄付も含めた集計結果を発表いたしますので、どうぞお待ちください。
日系シニアズヘルスケア&住宅協会と私たちのプログラムについての詳細は、ニュース – 日系プレイスゴルフをクリックしてご覧ください。
連絡先: ジェイ・ハラガ:日系シニアズヘルスケア&住宅協会事務局長
電子メール:[email protected]
電話 604-777-5000 内線2003