Dear Residents, Families and Friends,
We are now well into the fall season, the leaves are changing colour, and the weather and temperature are cooling off. With more rainy days ahead, it means more time inside and bringing out fall sweaters and jackets. Please keep yourself heated, cozy and safe. We have a few new announcements and changes at Robert Nimi Nikkei Home.
- Starting Oct. 12th, all staff are required to be fully vaccinated, or single dose with scheduled second dose with 35 days. Continue daily rapid testing will continue for those staff that are partially vaccinated.
- Also starting Oct. 12th, visitors are required to be fully vaccinated to enter into Long Term care and Assisted Living facilities. As such, are required to follow this order. This may come as a sudden announcement, and as we get more information from Fraser Health Authority, we will provide more details. Proof must be the receipt provided by the Ministry of Health via the BC Vaccine Card. Individuals can obtain proof of vaccination at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof
- 3rd Booster doses for residents of Nikkei Home and Flu shots have been announced, and we are working with Fraser Health to have our clinics set up for all of them. We will require another consent form, which is attached along with this update. Please send all your consent forms to Tara Pagnottaro or email [email protected]. The consent form can be downloaded here.
- Significant delay on the Spa Room project renovation. However, it will hopefully commence in Feb 2022. This is due to parts and manufacturing. Thus, the room renovation will be put on hold at the same time.
- Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund grant applications are now open for the “Underserved individuals”. If you are of Japanese descent, who were impacted by the BC Government actions between 1942 and April 1st, 1949 and currently live in Canada. Additionally, it includes seniors who were not displaced but were living in BC during this time and born during this period to families who chose to leave BC due to government actions. The deadline is Oct. 31st, 2021. If you have any questions about this grant and application process, please feel free to reach out to Jay Haraga at [email protected] or call 604-777-5000 ext 2003. Website link: Japanese Canadian Survivors Health & Wellness Fund (jcwellness.org)
- Please join and register in our free Virtual live broadcasting via Zoom: Iki Iki Light and Kui do Raku programs with free Bento box lunch, and we have many spots still open. This is being sponsored by the Ministry of Japan and runs until the end of the year. An excellent opportunity to connect with others and have conversations, exercise, arts n crafts and sing. Reach out to Matsuo Story at [email protected].
- Virtual Town Hall for families coming up on Tuesday, October 26th, from 7 pm-8pm. We will cover the introduction of our New Manager, Hiromi Hasegawa and update on Covid 19 and Nikkei Home operations. We would love for you to join our Town Hall.
Thank you for all your well wishes, thank you notes, and kind messages of support during this challenging period.
Yours sincerely,
Jay Haraga, Executive Director
Hiromi Hasegawa, Manager Resident Services